In The News: Health IT Analytics Takes a Deep Dive into PCCI’s Suicide Prevention Program

In The News: Health IT Analytics Takes a Deep Dive into PCCI’s Suicide Prevention Program

Recently, Health IT Analytics interviewed PCCI’s Jacqueline Naeem, MD, Senior Medical Director, and Kimberly Roaten, PhD, ABPP, professor in the Department of Psychiatry at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and associate chief quality and safety officer for Behavioral Health – Parkland Health about the suicide screening and prevention program that is being used in all of Parkland’s facilities.

Parkland Health & Hospital System (PHHS) and Parkland Center for Clinical Innovation (PCCI) in Dallas, Texas have successfully achieved this with their Universal Suicide Screening Program. Two experts from the initiative sat down to discuss the program’s hurdles, successes, and future plans in a recent episode of Healthcare Strategies.

Health IT Analytics

To read the full interview, go here:

VIDEO: PCCI CEO, Steve Miff, Leads Invest Dallas-Fort Worth Launch Conference Panel

VIDEO: PCCI CEO, Steve Miff, Leads Invest Dallas-Fort Worth Launch Conference Panel

In this video from the recent Invest Dallas-Fort Worth Launch Conference, PCCI’s CEO Steve Miff, PhD, moderated a panel, “Closing the Gap: How educators and healthcare professionals collaborate to improve healthcare outcomes, the talent gap, and workforce wellbeing.” This important panel discussed providing more access to care, the importance of unbiased data, and strategies to improve healthcare outcomes.

PCCI Receives “Achievement in Innovation” Award at ​D CEO​ Excellence in Healthcare Awards

PCCI Receives “Achievement in Innovation” Award at ​D CEO​ Excellence in Healthcare Awards

PCCI is proud to receive the “Achievement in Innovation” award from DCEO and we congratulate the other award finalists award for their service to the community. The program recognizes industry leaders and organizations for their industry achievements and impact on the North Texas economy. The award was received by PCCI’s CEO Steve Miff, PhD.

For more information about the finalists at this event, go to:

This past year, PCCI’s mission of innovation to help the most vulnerable in our communities led to the development of:

-The Community Vulnerability Index that enables its users to visualize and more fully understand the context and complexities of the social barriers to health, access, and well-being of a community’s most vulnerable populations.

-The Pediatric Asthma Surveillance System: A collaboration between PCCI, Parkland Health and Dallas County Health and Human Services (DCHHS) that created a public dashboard that describes community-level information regarding pediatric asthma risk factors in Dallas County.

-Preterm Birth Prevention: This ongoing program helps to keep at-risk mothers on track for full-term births.

TACHI End of the Year Conference

In early December, the six community health collaboratives that make up Texas Accountable Communities for Health (TACHI) convened in Austin for a conference where a variety of experts shared their perspectives on the impact of the multi-year initiative designed to support the development of financially sustainable, multi-sector community health collaboratives in six Texas communities. The theme of the gathering was “Clinic-to-Community Partnerships: Healthcare Partners’ Perspectives.”

In the morning of the conference, Jeff Levi (Principal Investigator of the Funders Forum on Accountable Health) presented an overview of national Accountable Communities for Health (ACH) trends. Following the keynote address, a panel representing diverse perspectives discussed clinic-community partnerships. Discussion panelists included:

  • Carol Paret, SVP & Chief Community Health Officer at Memorial Hermann in Houston – health system perspective on community-clinic linkages and role of an anchor institution in the community (HAN participant).
  • Kay Ghahremani, President and CEO, Texas Association of Community-Based Health Plans – insights into how health plans see the impact of CCMs on the health and wellness outcomes of communities across Texas.
  • Dr. Ryan Van Ramshorst, CMO for TX Medicaid – views on how the state Medicaid system would consider covering non-traditional providers (e.g., CHWs, CBOs) for reimbursement and the importance of evidence provided by CCMs to build this case.
  • Helen Kent Davis, Associate VP, The Office of Governmental Affairs at Texas Medical Association – physician perspectives on SDoH and Clinic to Community models.

Following the panel, the conference included a variety of interactive breakout sessions such as fireside chats and open space facilitated discussions.

TACHI  is supported by the Episcopal Health Foundation, St. Joseph’s Health, and St. David’s Foundation.


Given the growing recognition of how social determinants of health (SDOH) significantly influence health outcomes and healthcare use, policymakers and funders have examined various community-led approaches to address community health. However, SDOH approaches are hampered by a key set of challenges including funding streams being siloed and short-term in nature, individual organizations having competing priorities, data systems being disconnected, equity not being embedded in heath policy and practice, and the lack of authentic engagement of communities and stakeholders.

To address these challenges, Episcopal Health Foundation launched a multi-year initiative to support existing collaboratives in our region to become high-functioning and sustainable entities known as Accountable Communities for Health (ACH).

ACHs are community-based partnerships formed across sectors such as healthcare, housing, social services, public health, employment training, and economic development, to focus on a shared vision and responsibility for the health of the community.

For more information go to:


New COVID-19 Analytics Dashboards Unveiled by Consortium of Healthcare and Data Experts Tracks Levels of Protection Against the Virus at the County Level

Data on COVID-19’s ever changing behavior and its potential impact at the county level is now available with the release of the national COVID-19 Community Protection Dashboard. Developed in a partnership between the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), Civitas Networks for Health (Civitas), Cincinnati Children’s Hospital (Cincinnati Children’s) and the Parkland Center for Clinical Innovation (PCCI), the COVID-19 Community Protection Dashboard is built from antibody prevalence surveillance, case reports, and counts of people with vaccinations series and boosters within a community.

The dashboard, available at:; offers an aggregate Community Protection Index (CPI) for nearly all of the counties in U.S. in the form of a score that combines multiple factors. These factors include the percent of the population that has received a booster dose; the percent of the population that have completed an initial vaccine series; the percent of cumulative reported cases and the percent of presumed cases.

The county-level CPI and core factors are available using a mouse-over interface on the dashboard’s map. The CPI is the score each county is given showing its population’s level of COVID-19 protection. A perfectly protected community would have a theoretical max score of 100. Currently observed national rates show an average CPI of 51.6. Nationally, the CPI range is between 41 to 83, showing a tremendous variation on the county-level. For example, Los Angeles County, Calif., that has a CPI of 70 based on its population being boosted, with 73 percent having completed its initial vaccine series as well as 30 percent reported infections and 63 presumed to be infected. Compare this to Fulton County, Ga., that reports a CPI of 59, due to lower boost percentage, 47, completed vaccination series, 47 and 20 percent reported cases and 73 percent presumed infections.

Dallas County has an overall index of 60, with 39% of population boosted.

“The goal of the analytics within the dashboard is to contextualize what it’s being observed locally to what is happening concurrently across surrounding counties, state and nation,” said Steve Miff, PhD, CEO and President at PCCI. “We intend for these insights to help provide a local dynamic vulnerability awareness with a national contextualization and use it to help identify emerging trends and forecast impact based on cross –region comparisons. Local cross-county/region collaboration and communication can also be enhanced with these additional insights.”

The collaboration of these healthcare and data analytics organizations has developed the dashboard with the goal of bringing together multiple sources of readily available COVID data and interpreting the information into a consistent and digestible way, including:

  • Taking into account the strong immunity from recent vaccination, but factoring the impact of waning immunity over time and the characteristics of the most recent variant
  • Weighting the extra protection from booster vaccination against new variants
  • Acknowledging the contribution from nature immunity
  • Including estimates of hybrid immunity

“There is a correlation with the CPI and recent hospitalization population rates, but the application is not a predictive model, it is a tool to foster community awareness that protecting a community from serious comorbidity and systemic stress on hospitalization requires vigilance,” said Dr. Holt Oliver, PCCI’s Vice President of Medical Informatics. “Even though the seroprevalence of protective antibodies is in the high 90%, as we go in to our first fall and winter infectious season with protection that for many Americans is waning, the value of continuing this conversation will be increasingly important.”

This effort has been part of a larger initiative led by IHI with its lead partner, Civitas.  In Phase 1 of the initiative, the IHI-led team implemented a rapid innovation cycle to learn from early experiences, scan emerging best practices and challenges, and develop a model for mounting a rapid local response to the U.S. vaccine crisis. Initial research conducted by IHI, The Health Collaborative, PCCI/Parkland Health and Cincinnati Children’s produced a vaccine implementation and delivery model as well as a set of change theory ideas for testing and scaling vaccine distribution in defined local populations.

In Phase 2, the initiative engaged in qualitative interviews with health departments and Health Information Exchanges (HIEs), which included Nebraska, North Carolina, Maryland, Texas and Indiana, to better understand how data has been used to support public health efforts during the Covid-19 pandemic. Through the work done in Phases 1 and 2, the COVID-19 Community Protection Dashboard prototype has been developed to support data sharing. A number of other deliverables and publications are in process and will be shared at various Civitas events, at the IHI Annual Conference and in upcoming journal articles and various publications.

“The availability of community-based tools, fed with local data, is key to local decision making. By mapping where pockets of vulnerability exist and how immunity likely changes over time, it becomes possible to target resources to better keep communities safe,” said Dr. David Hartley, an epidemiologist at Cincinnati Children’s. “This work illustrates how to do just that.”

About Civitas Networks for Health

Civitas Networks for Health is a mission- and member-driven organization dedicated to using health information exchange, health data and multi-stakeholder, cross-sector approaches to improve health. It was formed in October 2021 with the affiliation of the Strategic Health Information Exchange Collaborative (SHIEC) and the Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement (NRHI). Civitas Networks for Health counts more than one hundred regional and statewide health information exchanges (HIEs), regional health improvement collaboratives (RHICs), quality improvement organizations (QIOs) and all-payer claims databases (APCDs) as well as more than 50 affiliated organizations as members and reaches approximately 95 percent of the United States population. To learn more, please visit

About the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)

The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) is an independent not-for-profit organization based in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. For 30 years, IHI has used improvement science to advance and sustain better outcomes in health and health systems across the world. IHI brings awareness of safety and quality to millions, catalyzes learning and the systematic improvement of care, develops solutions to previously intractable challenges, and mobilizes health systems, communities, regions, and nations to reduce harm and deaths. IHI collaborates with a growing community to spark bold, inventive ways to improve the health of individuals and populations. IHI generates optimism, harvests fresh ideas, and supports anyone, anywhere who wants to profoundly change health and health care for the better. Learn more at

About Cincinnati Children’s

Cincinnati Children’s ranks among the top five in the nation in U.S. News & World Report’s 2021-22 listing of Best Children’s Hospitals. A nonprofit, academic medical center established in 1883, Cincinnati Children’s is one of the top three recipients of pediatric research grants from the National Institutes of Health. The medical center is internationally recognized for improving child health and transforming delivery of care through fully integrated, globally recognized research, education, and innovation. Additional information about technologies developed at Cincinnati Children’s may be found at

About Parkland Center for Clinical Innovation

Parkland Center for Clinical Innovation (PCCI), founded in 2012, is celebrating a decade as a not-for-profit, healthcare innovation organization affiliated with Parkland Health. PCCI leverages clinical expertise, data science and social determinants of health to address the needs of vulnerable populations.



Xtelligent Podcast: Steve Miff On Addressing Health Disparities, Social Determinants Through Data Analytics

Steve Miff, president and chief executive officer of Parkland Center for Clinical Innovation, shares how to use data analytics to identify at-risk individuals. He describes how the center’s proximity risk index can help physicians decide when to direct patients to telehealth, identify patients facing social determinants of health and health disparities, and provide evidence to guide policy measures.

Click on the image below to listen to the podcast for healthcare professionals seeking solutions to today’s and tomorrow’s top challenges.

In the news: Steve Miff Included in HealthLeaders’ executive round table

PCCI CEO, Steve Miff has been included in a HealthLeaders story based on his participation in its executive round table.  The story, “9 STRATEGIC INSIGHTS INTO DEVELOPING THE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM OF THE FUTURE,” includes comments from top healthcare leaders from around the country on strategies related to payment, re-imagining models of care, applying real-time data, and addressing social determinants of health. Click on the image below to read the full story:

To learn more about PCCI’s experts or to inquire about its healthcare technology leaders presenting to your organization virtually, please contact PCCI HERE.